We’ve been here already, so at least this isn’t going to be completely alien to us. But Lockdown 2.0 is still likely to create additional pressure on your business (although remember – diamonds are formed under pressure). Now is the time to focus on our Be x Do = Have formula; specifically the Be. What do you want to Be? How will you approach this situation? What focus do you want to put onto how you are thinking, believing and learning? To find out more about the Be x Do = Have formula check out a recent video I made on this.

It’s beneficial for you to know where your thoughts and actions are. See the diagram below (click the image to view in full size) – which Zone are you in? And where would you like to be?

The Fear Zone

Many fall into the Fear Zone, especially those who have been affected badly by the restrictions of lockdown. This year has been full of uncertainty, starting in March with the initial news about the virus potentially taking 100s of thousands of lives, then most businesses being told to close and the public being told to stay at home.

Then during the summer, we had hope and a bit more normality, with the gradual opening up of businesses, albeit it’s been very difficult for particular industries such as tourism, hospitality, events, etc. We were warned of the chance of a second wave, although so far it has not been as devastating as the first one for hospitalisations and deaths. However we are beginning a second lockdown to prevent our NHS being overwhelmed. Of course this creates anxiety and fear again, compounded by our media with their data showing worse-case scenarios during the press briefings.

Staying out of the Fear Zone into the more constructive Learning Zone

Mindset truly is our most powerful weapon. We cannot change what we can’t control, but we can certainly change how we react to it. We have control over our emotions and our ways of thinking and reacting.

Give yourself a break from the news, media and social media for a couple of days. Even just one day can make you feel refreshed and refocus your mind on what you can do rather than what you can’t.

Write down the positive things you still have. This could include your loved ones, good health, your talents, something in the future to look forward to, or perhaps something new you could learn. Gratitude is very powerful in quietening down our concerns and worries.

Moving into the Growth Zone

Start forward thinking: what are your goals for 2021? We can’t be certain on what will happen with the virus or your business and your life, but it’s still crucial to have goals to guide you, even if they need to be adapted through time. Realistic aims give you something positive to focus on and achieve. Some goals can be achieved no matter what happens with the virus e.g. learning something new, changing how you sell your products, (moving to online sales) or improving your physical health.

Remember that you are not alone – so many other businesses are going through these extremely challenging times too. If you discover any new ways to get through it, share them with other people. Knowing you can do something to help others through this will give you more purpose and motivation. It also helps build relationships with people – something we could all do with right now.

We are human Beings not human Doings – makes sure you work on your Be.