Tag Archives: coaching

When owning a small business, where every decision counts and resources are often limited, the focus often gravitates towards attracting new customers. While expanding the customer base is undoubtedly important, equally vital is the implementation of a robust customer retention strategy. Repeat customers are vital…

||29/01/24|| As we get stuck into Q1, you probably find yourself preparing your business for fresh challenges and opportunities. One crucial aspect of strategic planning for any successful enterprise is setting clear and achievable goals. But knowing where to start with this is easier said…

||16/11/23|| The Christmas season is a time of celebration and togetherness for many. However, it often comes with its fair share of distractions that can derail productivity before your time off. Balancing work and festivities can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can…

||26/10/2023|| Juggling the responsibilities of a career, family, and personal well-being can be overwhelming. However, finding equilibrium between work and personal life is essential for overall happiness and long-term success. Below, I’ve explored some practical strategies and tips to help you successfully achieve a work-life…

||28/02/23|| Do you find it hard to determine what is urgent in your day-to-day life and actually organise your to-do list? The Eisenhower Matrix is a productivity tool that helps you prioritise tasks based on their urgency and importance. It is named after the former…

||31/01/23|| (Header Photo by Kerry Marshall/Getty Images)   Last week saw New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern step down from office as Prime Minister, alluding to burnout as the main reason. Throughout her five years in the role, she dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as…

On 3rd November 2022, Sage reported that ‘The Bank of England believes the UK is going to fall into a long recession’. They wrote that BOE ‘raised interest rates again on 3 November 2022, from 2.25% to 3%, with a belief that a recession could…

Scaling a business often feels like you are caught between two stages. One part of you is still in your startup mindset, full of that entrepreneurial zeal, while the other half of you is looking to the future and widening the canvas of your growth…

With the volatility of the last couple of years, and it’s aftermath (being referred to as ‘The Great Resignation’), many businesses, particularly many small businesses and startups, choose to take on a business coach. But with so much marketing from people like us being sent…