As we approach the end of the first month of the year it’s worth reminding ourselves how we probably felt at the start of January.

The New Year is a sign of the change of times and seasons which represents a new beginning for us all. In life times and seasons vary but life is more than times and seasons. What really matters is our attitude to this change, some might take this change casually and feel there is nothing much to it. Why that might be slightly true, we shouldn’t really approach it as such.

We should have resolutions that will involve a change of approach to our lives that makes the best of the year ahead. There are things we could do to make our resolution a reality.

If you’ve been making resolutions for years but without any tangible change actually happening don’t worry as I’ll be sharing what you could do to make your resolutions continue through the year – not just in January.

Here are some of the important tips to follow to accomplish your resolutions this New Year.

  • Be clear on your Dreams – and write them down
  • Set reasonable and achievable goals for the year
  • Learn relevant skills and knowledge
  • Plan and strategize on how to achieve them
  • Get started with Action.

Have a Dream for the New Year… and beyond

Every amazing thing you do starts with a dream. The force of dream is one of the greatest motivators we have. It is practically impossible for one to achieve anything without being anchored to satisfying your dreams. Without a dream, you don’t know your destination.  If you don’t know where you are going, how do you know if you’re off course, or indeed when you’ve arrived?

If you haven’t got your dream solidified, it’s not  too late. Set aside some time to do this within the next 5 days. All you need to do is put the time in your diary, grab a pen, possibly a cup or glass of something and focus on what you dream of doing, having or experiencing.

Write down your Dream

Dreams are usually conceived in our imaginations but it they’re more likely to become reality if they are captured physically. Writing them down – or better still creating pictorial representations – reminds you of them and helps builds the neutral pathways that are essential to make them happen.  As has been said, the faintest ink is sharper than the brightest mind.

Set reasonable and achievable Goals

After setting on your dreams you should set goals on how to achieve them. Setting goals is the step to turning your imaginary dreams into reality. They help us break down the complexities in your dreams. Sometimes dreams might ‘wow us’ because they might appear very big, bigger than us and sometimes we find ourselves doubting if we can achieve them. But when we break down our dreams into achievable and relatable goals they become less daunting.

Another reason for setting goals is to help stay focused by setting milestones.  Without setting milestones, we could easily get distracted and deviate from our path. As you set your goals make sure they are SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results based and Time bound

Learn relevant skills and knowledge

Acquiring relevant skills and knowledge is vital if you are to realise your dreams. It is not enough to dream, and set reasonable and attainable goals. You must also learn the skills that will help you succeed. Every successful person has a huge appetite for acquiring knowledge and skills. Visionaries are people of skill and knowledge. Relevant skills and knowledge make you equal to the task.

How do you learn skills and build knowledge? Read books i.e. be an over active reader – fill your mind with information. Attend necessary classes and webinars. Although harder in current times consider travelling to learn. Experience of alternative ways of being or doing can make a huge difference in how you apply yourself to your life and work.

Plan and strategise

Without a plan your goals are not goals -they are wishes. Planning is being clear – and documenting –  what needs to be done, by who and by when to achieve the goals that have been set. When planning avoid ambiguity and be specific. Avoid unnecessary assumptions and be factual in your planning. Avoid like ‘improve’, ‘better’, ‘increase’ etc.

Get started with Action

Finally, but most importantly take action – and as soon as possible (ideally immediately). Any plan is only as good as it’s execution. And that requires action. Don’t procrastinate, don’t repeatedly go back and tweak, refine and adjust the plan before it’s started (you can do that once the plan is under way and you have a known need to make changes). Without getting into action, nothing will work out, everything will just be on paper or in the brain. Everyone who succeeds has a story of hard work or diligence to tell, success won’t jump on you even if your dreams, goals, learnings and plans are in place but you’ve taken no action.

We are in 2021 already, but it’s not too late to adopt these approaches. Your dreams will go beyond 2021. When you have big dreams -and plans and actions to support them – your life will have more meaning.

“The best time to plant a tree is now.”  And so I say to you start now!!