As we finally seem to be transitioning into summer (and some warmer weather), it’s important to consider how we manage our work/life balance, in order to get the most out of what we want in life, and avoid burnout. 

We often talk about stress in relation to our work lives. Stress is the result of any tension within our system, and the result of this stress is burnout. So how do we start to spot signs of burnout? They can manifest in many ways: you may start to notice the feeling exhaustion, irritability, isolating yourself, getting ill frequently. Within work you may notice a plummet in your productivity and efficiency, or a lack of enthusiasm for what you’re doing. 

While there a whole list of things that can cause and signify burnout, there are also a whole list of things we can do to avoid reaching that stage. 


Pace yourself and take breaks

Thriving on pressure can be useful in the short term, but it isn’t sustainable. Ensure you take regular breaks to allow your mind some respite and recovery time. Don’t attempt to achieve everything in one go, instead work through things step by step. Maybe try mini-breaks every 90 minutes to get up, stretch and release any tension. 


Take care of your body and your mind

Though this is written in any article referencing self-care, sometimes it is the basic things that we tend to forget. Find a way to get out and get some exercise you enjoy doing, even if it is a walk to work or to the shop on your break. Eat a healthy and balanced diet, and drink plenty of water – hydration is key to functioning. Try to create and maintain a healthy sleep routine, aiming for around 8 hours a night to be well rested. 


Set boundaries

Set boundaries in regard to the time you spend working and when you are available. Don’t be consumed by social media – we all know that scrolling can be an endless minefield. In fact, if you are an iPhone user, why not utilise the time restriction settings? Be selfish with what makes you happy and make sure you make time for the ones you love.


Manage your time effectively 

Ensure you set out your priorities clearly and know exactly what you have to achieve and in what order of importance. Share your workload to those with shared skills and responsibility in order to have realistic and achievable goals. Minimise the distractions around you. Or if you are working from home, create an area for yourself to be productive.

You might not be able to change everything at once about your work, but you can change how you feel about yourself and align more closely with what you want from life. Get in touch with ActionCOACH Brighton and find how effective business planning and strategising can help you find balance.